'One Idea Rule' In Writing


‘One Idea Rule’ says to focus on a single idea while writing. This should be the main idea, belief or argument that you are trying to convey. Lengthy prose is not necessary. The point of writing is to convey a message. It doesn’t have to be lengthy. It needs to be clear. Concentrating on one idea helps us clearly convey that message.

Writing for me was difficult in the start. I admired the many books and blogs that I read and got overwhelmed by the content length. I too focused on content length. Instead, focus on conveying the message clearly.


It’s strengthens your focus

Focused writing of this kind helps us keep to the point and deliver a more persuasive prose.

You will discover more

When we concentrate on a single idea, we can explore various aspects of it. A narrow scope lets us go in depths of the topic.

Builds Confidence

Typically, when we are not juggling too many items at once, we tend to do a better job at the one task in hand. This boosts our writing as well as makes us more confident about our text.


Stick to a single idea when writing. Start with a heading, and if the heading is too generic, narrow it down. Narrow it to so that it is a single point. A single argument, topic or idea.